// new buttonstyle nbutt; new buttonstyle normalbutt; with normalbutt; unPrTexture = 'data/textures/buttonBackg.png'; // PrTexture = 'data/textures/buttonBackg.png'; unPrUV = rect(0,0,230,77); PrUV = rect(0,0,230,77); unPrSize = makepoint(230,77); unPrColor = colorrgba(255,200,180,255); unPrOffset = makepoint(0,0); PrSize = makepoint(230,77); PrColor = colorrgba(200,180,160,255); PrOffset = makepoint(2,2); transTime = 200; fontColor = colorrgba(0,0,0,255); fontRect = rect(5,5,5,5); fontName = 'Freebooter'; fontwidth = 10; fontHeight = 30; fontWeight = 3; highlite = 1; hiSize = makepoint(230,77); hiOffset = makepoint(-2,-2); hiTrTime = 200; hiColor = colorrgba(255,255,255,255); without; //normalbutt = copybs(nbutt); //normalbutt.name = 'normalbutt'; new buttonstyle card_bstyle; with card_bstyle; unPrTexture = 'data/textures/card_backg.png'; unPrUV = rect(0,0,128,128); PrUV = rect(0,0,128,128); unPrSize = makepoint(84,84); unPrColor = colorrgba(235,235,235,255); unPrOffset = makepoint(0,0); PrSize = makepoint(84,84); PrColor = colorrgba(220,220,220,255); PrOffset = makepoint(1,1); transTime = 200; fontColor = colorrgba(0,0,0,255); fontRect = rect(5,5,5,5); fontName = 'Freebooter'; fontwidth = 10; fontHeight = 30; fontWeight = 3; highlite = 1; hiSize = makepoint(84,84); hiOffset = makepoint(-1,-1); hiTrTime = 200; hiColor = colorrgba(255,255,255,255); without; new buttonstyle game_exit; new buttonstyle game_next; game_exit = copybs(card_bstyle); with game_exit; unPrTexture = 'data\textures\game_backg.png'; unPrUV = rect(62,198,123,260); PrUV = rect(62,198,123,260); unPrSize = makepoint(96,96); PrSize = makepoint(96,96); hiSize = makepoint(96,96); without; game_next = copybs(game_exit); with game_next; unPrUV = rect(62,135,123,197); PrUV = rect(62,135,123,197); without; new buttonstyle game_nextcard; new buttonstyle game_prevcard; game_nextcard = copybs(game_exit); with game_nextcard; unPrUV = rect(0,157,62,177); PrUV = rect(0,157,62,177); unPrSize = makepoint(62,20); PrSize = makepoint(62,20); hiSize = makepoint(62,20); PrOffset = makepoint(1,0); hiOffset = makepoint(-1,0); without; game_prevcard = copybs(game_nextcard); with game_prevcard; unPrUV = rect(0,136,62,156); PrUV = rect(0,136,62,156); unPrSize = makepoint(62,20); PrSize = makepoint(62,20); hiSize = makepoint(62,20); PrOffset = makepoint(-1,0); hiOffset = makepoint(1,0); without; end.